If you don't want to deal with minimum orders, brooders and delicate day old chicks, you have come to the right place! We do all of the work for you and get the newly hatched chicks off to a healthy start.
We offer chicks at 4-6 weeks of age or a little older at 8-10 weeks of age. AND for those of you that prefer the little ones, we also offer them at 1 week of age. We like to be sure your chicks are thriving before sending them home.
We offer chicks at 4-6 weeks of age or a little older at 8-10 weeks of age. AND for those of you that prefer the little ones, we also offer them at 1 week of age. We like to be sure your chicks are thriving before sending them home.
Expected Hatch Date of February 17th
You will receive a random assortment of breeds, in the quantity you order, at the age you order. Breeds that we will have in our February hatch will be Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, Easter Egger, Light Brahma and Speckled Sussex