We welcome your feedback, to better improve our business and our customer satisfaction. We also value your feedback to share with those individuals who might be considering purchasing poultry (or a puppy or other farm critter) from us in the future.
Let us know what you liked about your transaction(s) with us, your critters or anything else you liked. Let us know what you didn’t like or what we can do to improve yours or others experiences with us in the future.
Leave us a comment below and if you have FaceBook, please stop by our page and leave a review.
We know that this takes time and most of you are very busy. Tell us what you think in the comments below, get a point. Leave a review on FaceBook and get another point.
Wait a minute, a point for what?!?!?! Each point will get you an entry into a drawing for 5 free chicks, in the spring. (Local customers only, we can not ship)
Click here to be taken to our FaceBook page.