This will probably be the last of the pullets until spring. Here is a list of what we have as well as prices.
Hatched June 14th
Black Australorps $10.00 each
Buff Orpingtons $10.00 each
Easter Eggers $10.00 each
Light Brahma $12.00 each....SOLD OUT
Barred Rocks $10.00 each....SOLD OUT
Get an assortment of 10 for $90.00
Get an assortment of 25 for $200.00
These pullets did NOT come from a large production hatchery. We ONLY purchase from small hatcheries/family breeders and hobby farms. This ensures that you are getting the best quality poultry possible.
Please contact us to place a deposit to reserve your pullets today. They are available on a first come-first serve basis UNLESS we have received your deposit.
Purchase 5 or more and we can make arrangements to meet in Pueblo (a deposit is REQUIRED for delivery)
[email protected]
Hatched June 14th
Black Australorps $10.00 each
Buff Orpingtons $10.00 each
Easter Eggers $10.00 each
Light Brahma $12.00 each....SOLD OUT
Barred Rocks $10.00 each....SOLD OUT
Get an assortment of 10 for $90.00
Get an assortment of 25 for $200.00
These pullets did NOT come from a large production hatchery. We ONLY purchase from small hatcheries/family breeders and hobby farms. This ensures that you are getting the best quality poultry possible.
Please contact us to place a deposit to reserve your pullets today. They are available on a first come-first serve basis UNLESS we have received your deposit.
Purchase 5 or more and we can make arrangements to meet in Pueblo (a deposit is REQUIRED for delivery)
[email protected]