These Marans are from Wade Jeans lines. They lay VERY dark brown eggs!!
Hatched late June, 2013.....We can not sex them with 100% certainty but it looks like we have 8 pullets and 5 roosters.The pullets are $30 each the roosters are $25 each or three hens and a rooster of $100.00
**We know for sure which ones are pullets, there are several that are questionable so we are staying on the safe side saying that they are roosters BUT they could turn out to be hens!!**
[email protected]
Hatched late June, 2013.....We can not sex them with 100% certainty but it looks like we have 8 pullets and 5 roosters.The pullets are $30 each the roosters are $25 each or three hens and a rooster of $100.00
**We know for sure which ones are pullets, there are several that are questionable so we are staying on the safe side saying that they are roosters BUT they could turn out to be hens!!**
[email protected]