Our Farm Store page does say that we are sold out but we do have limited availability for pickup this weekend or pickup/delivery at 4-6 weeks of age.
We will be delivering along I25 from Walsenburg to Wyoming on either Sunday June7th or 14th. The date has not been nailed down yet.
If you want to place an order....... Fill out the order form at the link below and just make a note that you want chicks from the May 10th hatch date.
Click here to order!www.ourlittlebitranch.com/farm-store.html
We will be delivering along I25 from Walsenburg to Wyoming on either Sunday June7th or 14th. The date has not been nailed down yet.
If you want to place an order....... Fill out the order form at the link below and just make a note that you want chicks from the May 10th hatch date.
Click here to order!www.ourlittlebitranch.com/farm-store.html
Hatched May 10th
Assorted pullet(s) You will receive a random assortment of breeds, in the quantity you order. Breeds you might receive are Easter Egger, Black Australorp, Production Red, Cuckoo Marans, Olive Egger, Welsummer, Buff Brahma Up to 1 week of age (pickup prior to 05.17) $6.00 each 4-6 weeks of age (pickup or delivery) $10.00 | Buff Brahma, Olive Egger and WelsummerSelect the breed you want. Limit of 3 per breed Up to 1 week of age (pickup prior to 05.17) $8.00 each 4-6 weeks of age (pickup or delivery) $12.00 |