Black Copper Marans/ Olive Eggers
We have about 9 young chicks available. They came from Black Copper Marans hens and either Black Copper Marnas rooster or a blue egg laying Ameraucana. That means these chicks are all either Black Copper Marans or Olive Eggers. They were hatched Mid to late April. It looks like we have 8 females and 1 rooster.
$25 each or all 9 for $200.00
We have about 9 young chicks available. They came from Black Copper Marans hens and either Black Copper Marnas rooster or a blue egg laying Ameraucana. That means these chicks are all either Black Copper Marans or Olive Eggers. They were hatched Mid to late April. It looks like we have 8 females and 1 rooster.
$25 each or all 9 for $200.00